Critic Lionel Trilling famously observed, "All prose fiction is a variation of the theme of Don Quixote." Indeed, throughout the Western literary tradition, novelists (like visual artists) have been forced to align themselves somewhere along a continuum that can be thought of in any number of permutations: Realism vs. Romanticism, Real vs. Imagined, Actual vs. Symbolic, What Is vs. What Could (or Should) Be, Fact vs. Fiction, External Truth vs. Internal Truth, etc. Another way of saying this is that every novelist must face the paradoxical task of how to convey truth through the medium of fiction.
What are your thoughts on this? You might address where a specific novel might fall in one of the continuums listed above or you might reflect on the very nature/role of novels themselves. (That is, why do we read novels? Is it to learn about our world or to escape from it?) You may even think about the relevance of this notion to the current television trend towards "reality shows"!