Check out this link to peruse some well-known statements about poetry: (http://www.gardendigest.com/poetry/quoap1.htm).
Now that you're sufficiently inspired, come up with your own original definition what poetry is ...
Having been a blogger since my early childhood, I have decided to incorporate this useful tool into my teaching. Instructions: At the end of each month, I will award you 2 points for each meaningful post, with a maximum score of 12/10. Be sure to read what others have written - no credit for repetition.
Poetry is prose condensed to the bare essentials, intended to elicit hyper-specific feelings and emotions from the reader.
Its the employment of all five senses in reading!
Poetry is like...the theory of evolution for words: the best fit words arranged in perfect order.
Poetry is a photograph in words.
The ability to capture a singular moment, feeling, thought and preserve all that it is/was through the form, word choice, meter,syntax and imagination
Poetry is individual expression, it is not defined by any set rules, it can be as abstract, or as organized as you want.
Poetry is its own language, sometimes complex and needs years of interpretation, but sometimes blunt and meant to get a point across.
Poetry is whatever you want it to be.
Allie's definition was pretty much a poem. Especially the last line.
I'm snapping. You know? Doing that poetry snap thing. *Snap Snap*
Hahahaha Allie. I really did enjoy your definition a lot lot lot lot.
Hmm, did Natalie just write a poem? ...Well, I did go to that site of what poetry is and I think its like looking for jewels that a walrus ate last week: some of it is priceless, the rest is poop. I think poetry is when you string together words to make something pretty and meaningful. Its something more interesting than just sentences. It gives the writer the chance to use words with a creativity and imagination that regular writing can't produce. It is more art than any other type of word-use. Personally, I would still rather read a book though; somehow poetry seems pretentious to me at times. My favorite comment is what Plato said: that most poets don't understand what they write. Some of those comments on that site were just stupid though, poetry is poetry; it doesn't need to by coated with a bunch of syrupy metaphors which don't make sense.
First of all I think Paul's little proverb is awesome. But, as for the question, I loved the quote by Pablo Neruda that said, "I grew up in this town, my poetry was born between the hill and the river, it took its voice from the rain, and like the timber, it steeped itself in the forests." I think that poetry is a form of art just like all literature. I think that art is when an artist creates a work that is a collection of all their experiences and inspirations and also maintains a level of ambiguity that allows others to be touched by the work. Essentially, a poem is a single person's story that becomes a inspiration for others.
I think that poetry is simply creating art through words. Some people create art with drawings and pictures but poets are able to create that same image for us, only with words.
poetry is everything.
haha just kidding. I wanted to see if i could make mine shorter than nicoles.
poetry is confusing actually. it's a persons feelings expressed on paper -- which means it's the essence of an individual. it's so intangible. I buy apple electronics becasue they are high quality and apply to a college because they say it's a good one -- they have tangible success rates. But one poem is four lines of nothing and suddenly it's the best thing in the world! it just doesn't make sense to me how one person's art can be just scribbles.
but i guess that's the point kind of. poetry is something everyone can be good at differently.
it's a person's fingerprint in words.
and liking someone's poetry is more about liking them than anything -- deeper than talking to them (like looking into their soul). wow these two posts have been completely different tones! haha
Poetry is music. Poets are musicians. Poets are writers who are bored with the conventional novel, play, etc. Poetry is the antithesis of the "boring" novel, play, etc. It is the most colorful, raw, and open form of writing. It is the simplest most complex embodiment of human emotion. It is creativity.
Poetry represents different things to different people. Wordsworth defined poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;" Emily Dickinson said, "If I read a book and it makes my body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is poetry."
I think the most general definition of poetry is the organization of words in such a way as to evoke emotion from the reader.
Poetry is describes the human condition. For every individual, the human experience is different...and likewise, poetry will perceived uniquely by different people. Poetry tries to piece together emotion and thought. It tries to convey meaning from person to person--trying to get that same meaning for every person but simply cannot.
Poetry is a group of words that when put together in a series of stanzas or just a few lines they mean something unique to you. When you can relate to something or understand it deeper than just by the meaning of the words themselves, that is poetry.
When you read something and it causes you to feel certain emotions, or when just by looking at a word or two you know the whole story, you're looking at poetry. Just a few lines of poetry can open up a whole new world for you.
Poetry is food for a hungry soul. It clarifies and offers guidance to unseen feelings and answers based on a connection (reader to poet). It allows for a knowledgeable poet to pass on a secret that can only be told through words, and only exactly as they are written.
Poetry is the translation of emotion into words. It is a mirror, offering a reflection of everything and anything that is felt by a person or a mass of people in a single moment.
expressian of yourself, of what shapes u in your environment, and how u personally deal with hardships and maturing.
Poetry is anything and everything we want it to be. Poetry is living and never dies, no matter when it was written or when it is read. Once aspect of poetry that is a must is that it has to (be confusing, just kidding) serve a purpose. Whether that purpose is significant or minor, it must serve one aspect or another.
A poet is anyone and everyone. Since poetry doesn't have to be complex or very in depth. Anybody could create poetry. So long as it serves a purpose for one thing or another, it will count as a poem, and since anyone could create anything, everyone is a poet.
Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world,
and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
I like this quote a lot. It pretty much sums up what I think of poetry...
Poetry takes an everyday object and an abstract idea and makes them one and the same. Sometimes poetry is art, just used to describe the mysticism of something. Sometimes it is a story. Sometimes it is used to convey an idea. Sometimes...it is everything.
poetry is taking any sort of concept or truth and ripping it apart at its seams to throw in a few fancy ambiguous words to make people lose their minds. it is a lie masking itself as an absolute truth.
now that should be the webster definition of poetry!
poetry is like clay; the artist can mold it to whatever they want it to be. It can take on a thousand different symbolic meanings or it can be one simple word. It can reach into the depths of someone's soul, or it can just pleasantly brush by you. It has the power to evoke millions of various feelings. Poetry doesn't fit into one definition at all. Poetry doesn't even have to be words; it can be a painting, a song... whatever inspires you.
poetry is reading between the lines
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