Have you ever been in love with a fictional character? Wait - don't answer that. If you WERE to fall in love with a fictional character, or were offered the opportunity to enter a novel and become romantically involved with a fictional character, who would it be and why? (If it's too weird to think about this in romantic terms, then feel free to simply identify the fictional character whom you'd most like to meet.)
No brainer - Natasha from War and Peace! (You'll have to read the book to find out why, but her dance at Uncle's may be the single most stunning, chill-inducing portrayal of a female character that I've ever read. Simply put, she is the life force personified.)
This is by far one of the most akward posts ever. But it's an easy 2 points and necessary for my fourth quarter grade. haha.
You know what, I think I'd pick Emma Bovary. She's quite the character if you ask me. I think that she'd be pretty interesting to meet. I guess I'd like to be "romantically involved" with her because I believe that after encountering some sort of drama with her I will learn a lot about myself. I think it would show me whether I would take advantage of her problems or actually help her cause I'm a good person. I feel that a woman like Emma really would test a man's morals and reveal his true character. So, since I don't want to bite off more than I can chew with some other drama queen we have read about this past year, I pick Emma. :-)
ok i would definitely like to meet tucker max from i hope they serve beer in hell. so he's not really a fictional character, he's very real, but i've still never met him. i would love to meet him because i think he's a really interesting person who just lives and doesn't really take consequences too much into consideration. living life to have fun and be happy is something i've always tried to do and am doing for the most part, but he REALLy knows how to do it, so i'd love to talk to him about it. romanticly though, i would sooooooo not ever go near tucker max because i would rather not get an STD thank you =]
Yeah, I agree with Sebby that this is kinda weird... But Emma? Really? Ugh, all i can think about is the endless complaining and criticism and complete nonsense that would follow. I think Sonia Seymonovna Marmoladov would be cool to be with. She's just so nice! It would be like dating a saint; not only is she optimistic, but she is practical. She could bring smiles to my day and make me feel completely at ease. She's certainly not as overblown as Emma. Dounia would be interesting to be with to, be with too. She has a stronger character than Sonia with just as much saintly devotion. Too bad they're both so poor... Ophelia is can make up for that; all the niceness of Sonia with the spunk of Dounia, and wealth too! Of course, even if they are nice, whose to say they won't be boring? The only one who has a similar enough personality (especially with that biting wit) to be able to keep my interest is Hamlet! I'd just have him take some anti-depressants so he won't too suicidal and he'll be good to go, hee hee. ;]
I am going to say that it would be Edward Cullen from Twilight. In the books he just cares so much for Bella. He is upset that he can't read her thoughts and know what she's thinking, so he works extra hard to please her. I think that this is very uncommon for many guys. They always make up excuses for why they couldn't figure out what the right thing to do was. Edward is so protective over Bella, but in a good way. Bella knows that she will always be safe with Edward. In a way it is the modern, fantasy version of Romeo and Juliet. Moreover I think that meeting Edward's family and Jacob would be so cool. I've always wondered what having a special power would feel like, and you would be able to hear about it from a person who deals with it everyday.
okay i bet none of you have ever even heard of these books but there is this series called The Mortal Instruments and one of the 4 main charicters is this boy Jace. He is this awesome demon fighter and totaly cool. Plus he is hott andbut not shallow. Oh and he's well dressed (unlike someone else i know).
But the nuber one most important reason that i want to be with Jace is get ready for it . . . he is part ANGEL. So yeah i think that's way cool! so i want to be with Jace!
Considering that I have never read an uplifting work in English class, the pickings are slim in terms of who I would like to date. Am I better off with a dreamer like Gatsby, or with a murderer like Raskolnikov? There is not one male character who embodies my ideal man. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pride and Prejudice does come close, however.
Darcy's intelligence and tendency to be upfront about things attract me. Although his pride at times leads him to judge others harshly, I do not hold this against him. First, those of wealth and status are often raised to believe that they are superior, making Darcy a victim of his environment. More importantly, Darcy overcomes his hubris by continuing his devotion to Elizabeth despite his aunt's wishes. He preserves the good name of Elizabeth's family, ultimately proving his ability to bridge social barriers. By the last page of the novel, I admired Darcy's courage, honesty, and newfound humility. These are solid qualities that I would want my boyfriend to have :)
The fictional character whom I would most like to meet comes to mind a lot quicker than the fictional character with whom I would most like to pursue a romantic relationship. With that being said, Charlie McGee of Stephen King's Firestarter gets priority...
Charlie is a pyrokinetic girl-she doesn't just play with fire like a pyromaniac; she starts her own fires with her mind. Pyrokinesis intrigues me, and I would seize the opportunity to learn more about it from someone who actually possesses it. Charlie's special ability also makes her sought out by the government, forcing her to adopt a life in hiding. The idea of a secret lifestyle, complete with a false identity, interests me as well. I would ask Charlie what sort of precautions a person in hiding takes and how that situation has affected her childhood. Finally, Charlie loses both of her parents as a result of the corrupt government. She saves herself by using her pyrokinesis. For such a little girl, Charlie has a big mess to clean up. I would want to visit with her simply to give her a hug. In addition, I would tell Charlie that she is a great role model for not abusing her power and for accepting and dealing with her misfortunes rather than burying them.
I agree. This is a really weird blog. Anyways the fictional character i'd most like to date is Charles Bovary. I know that's kind of strange since we bash him a lot in class but its not really his fault that his wife is a psycho. Charles loves Emma unconditionally even after all the awful things she does to him. She's such a jerk to him yet he still cares about her more than anything. I think thats a pretty nice quality to have in a guy haha. He also loves his daughter and would do anything for her. He's the perfect family man. He might get a little boring after awhile but at least he tries, which is more than i can say for a lot of other guys.
"The boy himself is at once too simple and too complex for us to make any final comment about him or his story. Perhaps the safest thing we can say about Holden is that he was born in the world not just strongly attracted to beauty but, almost, hopelessly impaled on it."
I wouldn't have a romantic relationship with Holden, for the obvious reasons... But I would love to have him as a close friend. I don't think I've ever come close to caring about a fictional character the way I care about Holden. He is damaged, which to me is the best quality that any character can have in a work of fiction. I would be the person to help him get through life, while agreeing with him 95% of the time.
I would like to meet Rick Dockery from Playing for Pizza. Well first of all, he's a football player, maybe not a very good one but he's still an athlete. Rick makes such a transformation when he is chosen to leave the U.S. and go play football in Italy. He becomes so helping and accepting. Rick started out very egotistical but his journy to Italy completely changes him. He develops this sense of passion towards football and becomes a greater man for that. I would want to meet the Rick that developed in Italy because other than that he would just be another selfish athlete and the world already has enough of those.
Ron Weasley. From the Harry Potter series. We both fear spiders. It would be a perfect match. If I met him, I probably could fall in love with him, etc. He's so funny, and a likable character. He's loyal, has a big family, and lives in England. By the friend he is to Harry (sticking by Harry even though deadly danger), I can tell Ron is an awesome guy.
As I said before in class, this is the easiest question so far...Harry Potter...for the extremely shallow reason that he can magically make anything I want appear!! I mean it would not be as good when he has to go an fight voldemort. But while hes at hogwarts, whats not to like?! He has a british accent, hes the best seeker, and hes even part of the tri-wizzard tournament. basically I love Harry Potter and hes my dream fictional character
I would love to meet Pippin Took from The Lord of the Rings since he's the youngest of the hobbits, the most innocent, and in my opinion, the most brave because he must confront his worst fears but risks everything for his friends Frodo, Sam, and Merry. Plus, he became a knight as only a little hobbit and was reknowned in Middle Earth after the War of the Ring, and having him as my friend would be so cool :)
Hmmmm...I would totally love to take up a relationship with Hamlet, but pre-Ophelia and the play. In other words, I'd love to know him before Claudius killed-his-father-and-married-his-mother. Although Hamlet changes his mind like a girl changes clothes, I admire his intellect and sensitivity and believe he would make a very devoted boyfriend. Also he is very open about his feelings which is something boys today DO NOT EVER show because it's girly or whatever. Hamlet just acts as he is, and I would definitely appreciate honesty rather than having to guess at his intentions all the time. <3
I don't know about romantic terms, but as for a very interesting character to meet, it is a tough choice, as I read many books with interesting characters in them. Ultimately I think it would be interesting to meet either Elminster or Harkle Harpell from the Forgotten Realms setting/saga, but the character I would most like to meet would be Raistlin Majere from the Dragonlance Saga. Granted none of them are from any sort of "serious" literature, rather they are all from "beach" books, but they are all interesting, flawed characters that still manage to be powerful and somewhat real (at least to me). If I had to choose someone from a "serious" book, I would probably choose Mustapha Mond from Brave New World because he is a character that has the intellect and beliefs to question his society, but still somehow reconciles it in his mind and in his role as World Controller.
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