Now that the weather is finally beginning to suggest that Winter '08-'09 may, indeed, be behind us, it's time to start thinking about summer reading! For the first time in several years, you will not have a required NHS Summer Reading Assignment. So what will you be reading this summer? What tome will you drag out to the beach? What classic will you curl up with in the cool air conditioning? What poet will you peruse in the late afternoon shade of a maple tree?
The one thing that I can say is, thank God we do not have to do anymore summer packets. The entire idea is ridiculous, and defeats the initial purpose. No kid drags the summer reading on throughout the summer. They either get it done the first or last days of vacation. Then there are teachers who don't even look at it. It's a waste. I will be glad to have the choice to read anything that I want to. I'm hoping that Janet Envonovich's new book comes out. I like romantic suspense, and other such novels that are "senseless." I don't have anything in particular in mind, just whatever I come across that looks good.
What tome will you drag out to the beach?I really have two major pieces of work I want to tackle this summer. The first is RAT BOHEMIA by Sarah Schulman. From what I've read about it, it's a darker Rent-esque novel, dealing with the AIDS... It just came out this year and I'm really looking forward to reading it. The other is A FIELD GUIDE TO DECEPTION by Jill Malone, but it isn't published yet, and I'm not sure if it'll be out. I loved her first book, and need to read this next one.
What classic will you curl up with in the cool air conditioning?Even though it isn't a literary classic, my own personal "classic" that I'll read is FINGERSMITH by Sarah Waters. I've read it so many times but simply cannot get enough. As for a literary classic, I plan on reading both Thomas Mann's DEATH IN VENICE and Hemingway's THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
What poet will you peruse in the late afternoon shade of a maple tree?I'll most likely be looking into poetry by Sylvia Plath and Edna St. Vincent Millay. They are already my favorite poets, and I simply want to read more and more by them.
Mr. Cianflone what are you talking about I only read books from on-...HAHA
But seriously, this summer I do plan on taking on something. Even though I will miss not comparing and contrasting a play to its film version, or reading Grendel to prepare myself for Beowulf, but I think I'll be able to manage. I plan on reading Angels and Demons this summer. I know the movie is coming out soon, but I want to read the book either before or after I read the movie. If for some reason I don't read that book, I would try to read a biography that just came out about Eminem or John Leguizamo (he was in Romeo and Juliet as Tybalt if that counts for anything :-D).
Oh ya, as for poetry, I'll wait for my professor to assign something :-D.
NO SUMMER PACKET! WOOHOO I'm so excited to have no summer work if you couldn't already tell. However that doesn't mean i wont be reading during the summer. Although some people might think that Jodi Picoult isnt "serious literature" i will definitely be reading more of her books this summer. I really want to finish all of hers because theyre just that good. I'm absolutely obsessed with them and i can't get enough. Hopefully she will be coming out with more once i finish those.
I am THRILLED that I have no summer reading assignment!-That's an understatement. Words cannot express my level of happiness :) I will f i n a l l y y y be able to tackle my list of great reads:
1. Water for Elephants; Sara Gruen
2. My Sister's Keeper; Jodi Picoult
3. The Secret Life of Bees; Sue Monk Kidd
4. Lucky Child: A Daughter of Cambodia Reunites with the Sister She Left Behind; Loung Ung
5. Sense and Sensibility; Jane Austen
6. Bread, Butter, and Sugar; Martin Schiller
Sorry for the lack of classics and poetry...I can wait until college to pick those up again.
during the summer i'm certain i wont be able to read everything i want to, as always. but now that there is no summer packet YESSSSSSSS! i'll have more time to read stuff i actually want to. hmmm.....well i haven't made a complete list like lauren d....but i do know i want to read catcher in the rye, who is mark twain, i'm also contemplating reading Hella Nation, 11,002 things to be miserable about, some Hunter S. Thompson book i'll come across, probably some more i don't know right now.
Wow, you must really be bored if you're actually reading at the beach, and who actually goes to sit beneath trees? And what's a tome? Anyway, I share Lauren sentiments that I can finally read all of the books I've ever wanted to. I want to read "Catcher In The Rye" and "Macbeth" since almost every other high-schooler has read them; I want to know what all the buzz is about. I also need to finish "Lolita." I've read that book halfway through twice before I finally had to return it. I should also stock up on Stephen King. I've watched a bunch of movies and now it's finally time to read the book that spawned it. My most pressing example would be "The Shining," the movie's just so good! "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" is also on my to-do list; it's hilarious and teaches lessons. Wouldn't it be great if I actually follow through and read all these books? Honestly, my only goal for the summer if to work up enough money to live on for a year at college. I'll read on my breaks!
Alright well I'm really not trying to copy Nicole on this one, but Jodi Picoult books duh! I really do have a goal to finish all of her books and although it may take some work, I enjoy reading them alot. Besides those books, I also want to start some new John Grisham books. He is another one of my favorite writers so I'm excited to start some of his novels that I haven't read yet. Sorry Mr.Cianflone...no "serious" literature here.
Along with everyone else, I am so excited not to have a summer packet this year. Summer packets have always felt like a dark cloud looming over my head the entire summer, but not this year! I don't have anything particular in mind to read this summer. A lot of times I'm lazy about starting a new book, but once I get into them I read it in a couple of days and really enjoy it. I will probably just go to the library and pick out whatever seems interesting to me.
I have no real plan right now, because I always forget the stuff I plan on reading. But, I do want to read "the omnivore's dilemma" by Michael Pollan-- sounds like an interesting read. I'm not sure what else. Something horrific, or extremely radical, or completely random. I'm not sure, yet. Wait. I have this book in spanish about some boy's diary that's like real. that i came across in an old house my mom's friend moved into, who's owners died. so, I'll read that.
Oh summer reading :). I cant wait for summer to start so I can start all my new books! basically I am reading anything about English Monarch history (Henry VII, Elizabeth), for some reason im incredibly interested in that type of history. I am interested in Phillipa Gregory books because that is what she writes about. of course my normal beach book would be anything nicholas sparks. and once again I do think Jane Austin will be another author I will be reading quite a lot of this summer!
Well everyone going to Assumption has to read this book called Nudge which is supposed to help us get ready for college, but that's not my choice. I want to finish the Inkheart trilogy, since I just finished the first book and thought it was amazing. The books are sooo long though, so I'll probably still be reading into the summer.
I also want to start Trickster's Choice by Tamora Pierce, which is the first book in her third series about this fantastic medieval realm, Tortall. Her books are about female empowerment in a world of men and although they're easy to get through I love them.
cuite prompt frist. second i plan on finnishing a few projects b4 school end freeing me up to takel two books this summer. first i need to read wicked just for giggles but that will take a week tops. After that i want to takkel anna karenina, i bought it yesterday cuz borders had a sale! after that i want to read Gone With the Wind since i got a little caught up w/ school stuff and never finnished it.
I'm so excited to be able to read whatever I want to read this summer. I will actually have time to read what I like instead of spending weeks reading school books. So, here is my list, Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult, The Boy with the striped pajamas, The Glass Castle, The Four Corners of the Sky, and some other fun reads I have in my room from my birthday and Christmas.
Oh, Sebby, I saw Angels and Demons the movie this weekend and it was really good so i also want to read the book, i think my sister has it.
Yea, Gloria has a ton of really great books in her room that she is always bugging me to read but i never have the time so i will try to get to those this summer, i need to make a priority list.
I was thinking that I would try to see what my english class would be reading and get a head start on that, but the english class i just signed up for is more reading essays and other things rather then poetry and books. So I will hopefully have some time during the summer to get some fun reading in, I work at a summer camp so it is nice to just be able to relax and read a fun book.
I am so happy we don't have summer reading!!!
And to be honest, I probably wil say I'm going to read and then not actually read. But I do want to and plan on it as of now. I want to read Jodi Picoult's "My Sister's Keeper" and "The Pact" because her books are sooooo good. They may not be "serious literature" but I dont particularly care. Reading is about making yourself happy and not every story needs to be analyzed. That's what school is for...not summer. I also want to read Farenheit 451 and Catch-22 byt the start of school because I really have tried reading them before and thought their concepts were interesting -- I was just lazy. That should be good.
I was always against a regimented summer reading packet. It pretty much thwarts the curiosity of those who actually do want to read. Honestly, I might not get to reading anything this summer as it will be pretty hectic. But I have always been interested in reading a few novels (on the odd side of course) and shall pursue them. First, A Clockwork Orange. It's some weird stuff, but hey I'm a weird guy. One of my weird friends weirdly recommended it to me. I wanna read it before I watch the movie. Also, I would like to read one of the two novels: Huck Finn or To Kill A Mocking Bird. The Southern Stories we did in class really got me back on an American Southern Literature kick. So, hopefully I can realistically bang these out.
I am definitely planning on reading A Dance of Dragons, the next book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, if it is ever released. Goethe's Faust is also high up on the list, as I am taking a class solely on that novel. Finishing Mary Stewart's Arthurian Saga is also of importance to me, as is finally reading Lolita and possibly Also Sprach Zarathustra if I have the time.
And if I feel up to it, maybe even some "fluff" books that would be quick, easy, fun reads.
I absolutely need to read Ellen Hopkin's newest book Identical. I'll probably devour it within the first few days after we graduate; I've been waiting foreevr to have some free time to read it. I'm also going to have to steal a book off of Lauren's list and say that I really want to read 1. Water for Elephants. My co-worker and I are always trading good books, and she recommended that one to me. I can't say I'm going to be diving into any poetry this summer, but deffinitely a lot of books. A Million Little Pieces is another. Pretty much, if I go into Borders or Barnes and Nobles and it looks interesting, I'll read it. I'm also determined to read a short story in French this summer, although I'm not sure which one yet.
Two works I want to read this summer are the Kite Runner and My Sister's Keeper (I think there's a movie coming out for that as well). I want to read it beofre I watch the movie though. I'm SO glad there aren't sumner packets! I might also read Macbeth since I've never read it in high school--and it's probably a good idea for college english.
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